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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a selection of inquiries that Iron Gate is most commonly asked. Can’t find the answer to your question? Or would you like some more information? Just get in touch.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a selection of inquiries that Iron Gate is most commonly asked. Can’t find the answer to your question? Or would you like some more information? Just get in touch.
Absolutely! Our standard hours of operation are 9am – 5pm, Monday through Friday and Saturday by appointment. However, Warren is happy to accommodate off-hours requests where reasonable. A little notice is all we ask.
This question comes up often. We carry blanket insurance on the contents within our care with certain limitations, and self insure for minor incidents. We are also an authorized provider to the Chubb Masterpiece Protection Network and augment our insurance by referring clients to a local broker who can fill all of their needs through Chubb’s Sommelier Package which will encompass their collection at home and in our care.
Utilizing proprietary software, Iron Gate has a state-of-the-art inventory management system housed on servers that reside offsite and are managed 24×7. Every bottle is photographed and every case is individually barcoded giving us an instant reading on the contents and owner. When clients store with us, they have 24/7 access to their inventory online. See here for more information on storage and to access a demo of our Cellar Care software.
Our client’s volume ranges greatly but the average is 50 cases per client. Our maximum is only limited by our capacity. Our standard minimum is 20 cases but we’ll make exceptions if a client is growing their collection, or contracting for an extended period.
Yes. With written authorization we can have your wine delivered in your absence. We will also take delivery from the LCBO or local agents. When we receive a wine shipment, it is inventoried and you are sent a digitally signed copy of the inventory receipt. All paperwork is retained here for your records.
Iron Gate is not a self-serve facility, and therefore can only be accessed with one of our staff in attendance. That said, we are always happy to accommodate after hours requests for both delivery and pick up where reasonable.
We have connections with a number of shipping companies both to and from other provinces or countries. We will manage the process for our storage clients and refer other inquiries to the appropriate companies – see Transportation. While you’re thinking about it, we highly recommend these devices to ensure security and safety of your wine in transit.

We’re here to help you get the most out of your fine wine collection.

Megan McDonald
Senior Client Manager

We’re here to help you get the most out of your fine wine collection.

Megan McDonald
Director, Client Care, Eastern Canada
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